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Our Purpose

MSU is striving to create a trauma informed culture and to help our community respond to survivors of relationship violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and/or stalking in an informed and caring way.

Sometimes determining what to do next is difficult.

Review the options below for which could be the most relevant to the current situation and learn what programs at MSU might be the most helpful.

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

The university is here to help you. Please reach out to one of the organizations below - but know the decision is up to you. You know yourself and your situation best.

The Center for Survivors provides free and confidential therapy, advocacy and resources to MSU and the greater Lansing community. Their telephone hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 517-372-6666. Crisis Chat is a text-based hotline for anyone with questions. It is available from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. ET, seven days a week.

Safe Place provides services, including counseling, support groups, advocacy and shelter, to any MSU students, faculty, staff and their partners who have experienced, or are experiencing, an abusive or controlling relationship or stalking.

The Employee Assistance Program is a free and confidential short-term counseling and referral service available to MSU faculty, staff, graduate assistants, retirees, and their insurance-eligible dependents who are in the state of Michigan.

Some incidents of relationship violence or sexual misconduct are both a violation of university policy and a crime. However, there are different processes for each. Following an incident, it is your decision as to if you want to participate in one process, both or neither.

Violation of university policy

The Title IX Coordinator and Office of Institutional Equity investigates violations of the MSU Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX policy, as well as MSU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy.

They also work to connect those impacted by discrimination, harassment, relationship violence, sexual misconduct and stalking to supportive resources designed to help maintain equitable access to education and employment.

Crime under Michigan law

The MSU Department of Police and Public Safety investigates crimes including relationship violence, sexual assault and stalking. If you contact the department, officers will discuss the possibility of continuing with a criminal investigation in a trauma-informed and victim centered approach. They can also help connect you with supportive resources.

MSU has several organizations that can help you determine which path, if any, you want to take. In addition, the Center for Survivors and Safe Place have advocates that can accompany you should you choose to visit either the police or the Title IX Coordinator and Office of Institutional Equity.

Sometimes people have confusing experiences or experience something painful but have a hard time making sense of it. If you aren’t sure what happened but are feeling unsettled, please consider talking to someone about it. You can call the 24-hour hotline at 517-372-6666 or use a text-based hotline. In addition, MSU has several organizations that can talk to you about what happened in a safe space. Your experience is valid and you deserve support.

The university is here to help. MSU has several organizations that can talk to you about what happened in a safe space.

People siting in a circle talking, only seen from chin to waist. On right, person wearing a pink shirt has their hand outstretched.

How can I better support someone?

One way to do this is through language. What you say can help survivors and their path toward healing.

Learn more

Culture of Support

Center for Survivors

Phone 517-355-3551

24-Hour Crisis Hotline 517-372-6666

Connect with the Crisis Chat 10am-10pm daily

Student Services Building, Suite 207
556 E. Circle Dr.
East Lansing, MI 48824


Blue background with white letters saying "we stand with survivors."


The Center for Survivors provides free and confidential individualized therapy services, groups, workshops, advocacy services and resources to MSU and the greater Lansing community.

Crisis Chat is a text-based hotline available to survivors and anyone with questions on how to help. It is available from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. ET, seven days a week.



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