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Strategic Plan Dashboard

The Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Strategic Plan outlines seven initiatives along with actions and timelines for measuring progress toward meeting the university's goals.


Initiative 1: Expanding Trauma-Informed Services

A campus-based Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program to provide comprehensive post-assault health care, including injury assessment and treatment, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, emergency contraception, medical forensic exams and sexual assault kit collection.

 Focus area: Survivor  Funding source: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
 Status: COMPLETE  More information: Sexual Assault Healthcare Program

MSU Safe Place was the first campus-based domestic violence shelter in the United States. Former First Lady of MSU Ms. Joanne McPherson was instrumental in creating this program to serve victims of relationship violence and stalking. Holly Rosen was the inaugural director and continues to lead this program.

 Focus area: Survivor  Funding source: Endowment and donations
 Status: COMPLETE  More information: MSU Safe Place

This initiative seeks to improve the accessibility of RVSM services through the development of interpreter services, translation of documents, accessibility technical assistance and large print and braille materials.

 Focus area: Survivor  Funding source: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
 Status: COMPLETE  More information: MSU Center for Survivors

Development of a victim-centered, trauma-informed interview space for law enforcement to conduct interviews with survivors who wish to report the assault to the police.

 Focus area: Survivor  Funding source: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
 Status: COMPLETE  More information: MSU Center for Survivors

The Center for Survivors will train volunteer advocates to respond to campus neighborhoods when a survivor discloses to an REHS staff member. Advocates will be dispatched to the location on campus and will meet with survivors privately to offer resources, reporting options, safety planning and transportation.

 Focus area: Survivor  Funding source: MSU Center for Survivors
 Status: IN PROGRESS   More information: MSU Center for Survivors

The Center for Survivors will host expert trainers and consultants to provide monthly training and professional development on diversity, equity, inclusion and access to MSU RVSM staff.

 Focus area: Helpers  Funding source: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
 More information: MSU Center for Survivors

This project will assess current practices at the Center for Survivors and the Sexual Assault Healthcare Program to respond to and prevent vicarious trauma among staff. It will utilize evidence-informed assessment tools, including the Vicarious Trauma Organizational Readiness Guide (VT-ORG) to assess current organizational practices and develop new practices to support staff and volunteers.

 Focus area: Helpers  Funding source: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
 More information: MSU Center for Survivors

QUEST is designed to encourage the growth and development of ally skills and practices by providing educational programs and workshops at varying levels and on specific topics and identities. Future modules will be created to address RVSM issues in LGBTQIA+ communities.

 Focus area: Helpers  Funding source: MSU Gender and Sexuality Campus Center
 More information: Gender and Sexuality Campus Center

This project will involve a comprehensive process review of OIE investigations and hearings. The goal of this review is to identify bottlenecks in the process and develop strategies to increase efficiency and improve communication with all parties involved in investigations.

 Focus area: Helpers  Funding source: Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance
 More information: Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance

The MSU Campus Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) includes multidisciplinary professionals to coordinate efforts and ensure the best possible experience for survivors when reporting sexual assault. The MSU Campus SART will be expanding its work to develop a memorandum of understanding between the Center for Survivors and all local law enforcement agencies to utilize services provided by CFS and the MSU Sexual Assault Healthcare Program.

 Focus area: Helpers  Funding source: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
 More information: MSU Center for Survivors

MSU’S Title IX and RVSM policies require that MSU employees designated as responsible employees report to OIE and MSUPD when they learn of possible policy violations, even when claimants do not want their information to be shared. There are a limited number of MSU units/staff that are exempt from this mandatory reporting policy, and these exemptions exist so that RVSM survivors can learn about services and reporting without triggering mandatory reports. This initiative will expand the number of units/staff that are exempt from mandatory reporting. Units and/or specific individuals will be required to complete an extensive training program on trauma-informed response approaches to learning how to provide supportive information and resources to survivors.

 Focus area: Campus community  Funding source: University budget
 More information: Coming soon

A workgroup will be created to identify gaps in conflict management resources, reinforce and coordinate existing restorative justice programs and explore transformative justice options to identify alternate dispute resolution frameworks within the university.

 Focus area: Campus community  Funding source: Office of the University Ombudsperson
 More information: Office of the University Ombudsperson

Initiative 2: Building Trauma-Informed Culture

The Navigating Policy and Reporting training teaches participants about the RVSM and Title IX Policy, how to file a report, what happens after a report is made, retaliation protection, interim measures and confidential resources. The Supporting Survivors as Mandatory Reporters training reviews the RVSM and Title IX Policy with the larger focus on obligations as a mandatory reporter, discusses challenges faculty/staff and or graduate assistants often face, and teaches skills to support survivors in the role of mandatory reporting. These trainings develop leadership skills to model appropriate responses to RVSM disclosures.

 Focus area: Campus community
 Funding source: Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department
 Status: COMPLETE  More information: Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department

POE hosts an annual summit for faculty, staff and graduate students to learn about RVSM and discuss strategies to transform campus climate and culture. Summit sessions focus on understanding how power and privilege affect RVSM incidence and RVSM disclosures.

 Focus area: Campus Community
 Funding source: Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department
 Status: COMPLETE  More information: Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department

This initiative is a campuswide educational campaign to help all members of our community become trauma-informed first responders and to provide them with skills and resources to respond to disclosures in an empathic manner and to connect survivors to available services

 Focus area: Campus community  Funding source: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
 More information: Culture of Support

Initiative 3: Strengthening RVSM Sanctions and Discipline Processes

This initiative is being led by the Office of the Provost to review and revise the RVSM sanctions and discipline process for faculty and staff who report through Academic Human Resources.

 Focus area: Leaders  Funding source: Office of the Provost
 More information: View the policy

In 2018, the Office of Employee Relations conducted a sweeping review of its RVSM sanctions and discipline process, which resulted in the development of new protocols to coordinate processes with OIE, a new case tracking system. In 2020, OER created a position dedicated to working on cases reported through OIE which identify a support staff employee as a respondent. Building on this work, this communications initiative will focus on educating unit leaders on these new processes to ensure consistency in approach to RVSM cases. OER will continue to communicate the importance of RVSM-related issues to the unions that represent employees at the university.

 Focus area: Leaders  Funding source: University budget
 More information: Human Resources, Office of Employee Relations

Initiative 4: Assessing Resources and Supports for Respondents

This task force will review best practices in respondent program models to identify gaps in MSU’s respondent services. The task force will develop recommendations for creating educational programming and behavioral accountability interventions to address harmful conduct and to reduce recidivism.

 Focus area: Respondents  Funding source: Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance
 More information: Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance

This initiative was created to comply with Title IX regulations regarding due process and equity. This program provides respondents who are involved in a Title IX investigation with advisers who can provide support and guidance throughout all phases of investigative or hearing processes. Advisers provide respondents with information on their rights and responsibilities to protect the interests of all parties and ensure the integrity of formal grievance processes.

 Focus area: Respondents  Funding source: Office of the President
 Status: COMPLETE  More information: Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance

Initiative 5: Strengthening RVSM Prevention Programming

SVPI will be a standing student advisory group to POE. Undergraduate students will be recruited from diverse student organizations to share their perspectives on enhancing RVSM prevention programming and education at MSU.

 Focus area: Campus community  Funding source: Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department
 Status: COMPLETE  More information: Student Voice for Prevention Initiatives

The NASPA Culture of Respect initiative is an empirically developed framework for creating a comprehensive campus response to sexual violence. This initiative includes a two-year evaluation cycle to assess prevention programming; year one assesses current efforts, and the second year assesses change and identifies areas for further improvement.

 Focus area: Campus community  Funding source: Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department
 More information: Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department

Initiative 6: Creating Respectful Work Environments

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights reviewed MSU’s compliance with Title IX and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. MSU entered a voluntary resolution agreement, which included the creation and implementation of training of MSU HealthCare staff by the Title IX Coordinator. This training provides instruction on compliance with Title IX and Section 1557, and information on new and revised policies created through the resolution agreement, such as the Notice of Non-Discrimination and the revised RVSM policy.

 Focus area: Campus community  Funding source: Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department
 More information: Prevention, Outreach and Education Department

The Positive Workforce Alliance was created to consolidate resources and to coordinate efforts between the many units across the institution taking steps to create a positive and respectful workplace. The Alliance will collaborate, coordinate and consolidate efforts toward a positive and respectful workplace; conduct research and education and share/promote existing research; develop a system for measuring impact and provide reports of said impacts to the university and general public; and advise future directions and provide ideas for future projects.

 Focus area: Campus community  Funding source: WorkLife Office
 More information: Office of the Provost

This training is an ongoing series of workshops intended for both academic and non-academic leaders across the university to work together to improve the current climate and culture in their units. By including both academic and non-academic unit leaders, this training helps promote a universitywide consistent approach for creating respectful work environments. The training reviews the 2019 Know More @MSU Survey results, discusses the importance of understanding power dynamics, provides a leadership toolkit for assessing climate within a unit, and creates steps for building a positive and inclusive work environment. The training builds leadership skills and accountability in addressing unprofessional behavior that leads to improved climate and creating a safe and respectful culture.

 Focus area: Leaders  Funding source: University budget
 Status: COMPLETE  More information: Academic Advancement Network

The POE Climate and Response Unit assists MSU entities to address how RVSM incidents and investigations have impacted climate and to develop strategies to promote healing and culture change. Each training is tailored specifically for the impacted units.

 Focus area: Leaders  Funding source: Prevention, Outreach, and Education Department
 Status: COMPLETE  More information: Climate and Response Unit

Culture of Respect is a multifaceted initiative to create a comprehensive strategy to address RVSM. A key component of this initiative is the creation of a campuswide leadership team to create common goals among leaders and to align diverse campus constituencies, such as faculty, survivor services, Title IX, student representation, student affairs, HR/AHR, OGC and others across campus. The Campus Leadership Team will work together to complete an assessment of current efforts related to RVSM to determine areas of focus. The team will then utilize elements of the Culture of Respect framework to transform efforts for the subsequent year, culminating with another assessment to determine efficacy.

 Focus area: Leaders  Funding source: University budget
 More information: Prevention, Outreach and Education Department

The National Academy of Sciences created a collaborative network of representatives from higher education institutions charged with developing research-based evaluation and best practices. The purpose of this network is to improve prevention and intervention programs to address sexual and gender harassment. MSU is a founding member of the collective network, with faculty and academic staff actively involved in the development of best practices to address unprofessional and harmful behavior through culture change.

 Focus area: Leaders  Funding source: Office of the Provost
 More information: Office of the Provost

Initiative 7: Promoting Accountability

To promote accountability and transparency in our institutional commitment to addressing RVSM, we will create a public data dashboard for our reported metrics and progress on the RVSM Strategic Plan initiatives. The first phase of this initiative will determine what data exist and how they can be clearly communicated to the campus community. The second phase will create a data dashboard with infographics and other visuals to represent the state of RVSM efforts across campus.

 Progress area: Campus community  Funding source: Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance
 More information: Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance