About the Know More Survey

The 2025 Know More Survey is here!

Michigan State University is dedicated to creating a campus culture free from discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and relationship violence. But true transformation happens when Spartans like you share your experiences and insights.

Since 2019, the Know More Campus Survey has empowered our community to drive meaningful change. Your participation in past surveys led directly to new prevention programs, stronger support services, and impactful policy improvements. The 2025 Know More Campus Survey is your chance to build on this momentum. Your confidential feedback can create even greater progress, shaping a safer, more inclusive campus for every Spartan.

Your voice isn't just heard—it's powerful.

Take the survey today and be part of positive change at MSU.

How to participate

Participating in the MSU Know More Survey is easy:

  1. Check your MSU email: Look for an email from “KNOWMORE.MSU3@rti.org” with the subject line “Please help by taking the MSU Know MORE Survey.” If you don't see it, please check your spam folder.
  2. Note your access code: Open the email and locate your unique survey access code.
  3. Follow the link: Click the survey link provided in the email. You’ll be redirected to the survey page.
  4. Enter your access code: On the survey page, input the access code from your email to begin.
  5. Complete the survey: The survey typically takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Participation is voluntary, confidential, and critical for improving our campus community.

MSUToday Podcast

Hear from RVSM Workgroup Member Dr. Carrie Moylan, assistant professor of social and Jacob Nason, graduate student assistant, discuss the development of the 2022 survey and the importance of the feedback of the campus community.

Hear More
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News and Announcements

Keep up with the latest news about the Know More Survey:

MSU campus-wide climate survey results show major improvements

The results of Michigan State University’s latest Know More @ MSU Campus Survey are in, and the data shows that there have been significant improvements in student, staff and faculty experiences with relationship violence and sexual misconduct, or RVSM. (Read more)

MSU launches 2nd Know More campus survey

Michigan State University students, staff and faculty are invited to participate in the second Know More Campus Survey, launched Wednesday, March 16. (Read more) (Podcast)

MSU takes action to address campus culture

Michigan State University has launched a new effort based on one of the actions outlined in the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Strategic Plan. The goal is to transform MSU’s culture as it relates to instances of relationship violence, sexual assault or abuse, sexual harassment and stalking. (Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

Surveys are commonly used to learn about organizational culture and individual experiences.  In 2014, the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault recommended campuses conduct regular surveys to understand community perceptions of discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, and relationship violence. Survey results are used to plan programs, design policies, inform prevention, create culture change, and guide resource allocation.

Participating in the MSU Know More Survey is easy:

  1. Check your MSU email: Look for an email from “KNOWMORE.MSU3@rti.org” with the subject line “Please help by taking the MSU Know MORE Survey.” If you don't see it, please check your spam folder.
  2. Note your access code: Open the email and locate your unique survey access code.
  3. Follow the link: Click the survey link provided in the email. You’ll be redirected to the survey page.
  4. Enter your access code: On the survey page, input the access code from your email to begin.
  5. Complete the survey: The survey typically takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Participation is voluntary, confidential, and critical for improving our campus community.

The Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Expert Advisory Workgroup was formed in the spring 2018 to support MSU’s goal of creating a safe and supportive campus for all. The workgroup met with students, staff, and faculty all of whom identified a need for richer data from the campus community that could inform the workgroup’s efforts. In Spring 2019, MSU launched the first Know More @ MSU campus survey. This confidential survey’s results were used to inform and shape prevention programming, policy development, and resource allocation decisions on campus. Results were also used to guide the RVSM Strategic Plan (link).

Repeating the survey in 2022 allowed us to assess whether efforts to improve the university’s prevention and response have resulted in changes in campus climate.

All MSU undergraduate students, graduate/professional students, faculty, and staff were invited to complete the survey. Participation was voluntary. 


Your contribution is critical to helping the campus community understand the attitudes, experiences, and challenges of MSU students, faculty, and staff related to sexual misconduct. The more members of the MSU community complete the survey, the more confident we can be that we have a clear and complete picture. We want the survey to represent all students, faculty, and staff of all ages, genders, races and sexualities. We need everyone to participate no matter their experiences.

Survey participation is voluntary and you can skip any question or stop the survey at any time. MSU will not know who participated in the survey.

The Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Expert Advisory Workgroup coordinated the survey. As in 2019, MSU has contracted RTI International, an independent non-profit research organization with extensive experience designing and administering campus climate surveys, to administer the survey, process the data, and report the results. Data reporting by an objective, independent third-party will ensure the confidentiality of your data and, hopefully, enhance trust among participants. The workgroup believes contracting an external research firm is the best way for students, faculty, and staff to share their experiences and feel confident their responses would not be shared with anyone at Michigan State. 

All information regarding this survey will be kept confidential according to legal and ethical guidelines. Only a few MSU staff who have signed confidentiality agreements will have access to the deidentified data, and we obtained a Federal Certificate of Confidentiality to help protect the data and ensure they cannot be obtained, even under subpoena. The final report will provide results by category (e.g., undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty); only de-identified and aggregated data will be included in the technical report submitted to the university after the analysis is completed.

The data is crucial for continuing cultural transformation at MSU. One difference with this iteration of the Know More @ MSU Campus Survey is that at the end of the contract, RTI will send MSU de-identified individual-level data. These data will be analyzed and treated so individuals who complete the survey cannot be identified. In addition, only a few MSU staff who have signed confidentiality agreements will have access to the data, and we obtained a Federal Certificate of Confidentiality to help protect the data and ensure they cannot be obtained, even under subpoena. It will take four to six months to process and analyze the data and generate a final report. We anticipate the result will be available in Fall 2025 and will be posted to this website. The results will be used to inform and shape campus prevention programming, policy development and resource allocation decisions.  The report from the 2019 Know More @ MSU survey is available here .